Unlike a crown, which covers the entire tooth, a veneer is a thin shell that is placed over the front or visible parts of the tooth.
An Overview of Veneers
Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment made of porcelain and designed to fit over the surface of the tooth, improving its appearance. Sometimes, a composite material with a more natural color is used in lieu of porcelain. Veneers can make a chipped tooth appear whole, improve the color or shape of teeth, or improve the appearance of a tooth’s positioning by being fitted to compensate for malalignment, or used to close small gaps when braces or orthodontic treatments might not be a suitable option. A relatively simple procedures, veneers can be very thin and require little to no preparation of the teeth beforehand.
What to Expect When Getting Veneers
Veneer implementation usually takes two dental visits. When prepping for a new veneer during the first visit, the dentist may remove a very thin layer of the tooth’s enamel (outer coating) to promote bonding. Sometimes, anesthetic can be used for patients with a fear of discomfort, but is usually not necessary. The dental team will make an impression of the tooth once it has been cleaned and prepared, and a shade guide will be used against the natural teeth to ensure a proper color match. The veneer will then be fabricated, and the patient will return for the second visit, in which the dentist will bond the veneer firmly to the teeth.
Veneers are prescribed for damaged, discolored, or broken teeth.
The tooth is prepared by eliminating surface structure.
After fabrication the veneer is cemented to the prepared tooth.
Veneers restore natural beauty and health of teeth.